
When Mahani’s children Aisha, Esa, and Alia left home, the quiet stillness brought an idea that became StorySistas, a community where women connect through stories.

Mahani believes stories connect us to our inner self and to each other. The connection makes us resilient, gives voice, and brings new purpose and joy. She aims to fill this page with   “Pearl of The Orient Stories,” after the moniker for the island of Penang where she grew up.

Email for your own Storyteller’s Page.




The Rock That Swallows Mothers

The Rock That Swallows Mothers

(Illustration courtesy of When I was a kid, my mother often resorted to emotional blackmail. She had a stockpile; her all-time favorite was the story, The Rock That Swallows Mothers. Once there was a huge rock on the side of a mountain in the middle of...

Constantly by Cliff Richard or How I Learned English

Constantly by Cliff Richard or How I Learned English

​ Constantly by Cliff Richard or How I Learned English or Why I Love My Aunt and Auntie Annie or The Day My Dad Came Through for Me I grew up in Malaysia and spoke Malay, an island language related to Hawaiian. Malaysia was a British colony and became independent in...



(image courtesy of Vintage Everyday) When my mother discovered my father had another woman, her world ended and she howled and cried. A shaman was called. The shaman burned frankincense and bitter-sweet acrid smoke filled the house. She sprinkled rose petals and...

Banana Trunk

Banana Trunk

My brother Jo was circumcised at home when he was nine. I was thirteen. It was not unusual for three- to five-year-old boys to be circumcised at home in the 60’s in Malaysia. But to wait till your child was nine was almost irresponsible, and maybe even dangerous....

177 Seang Teck Road, Georgetown, Penang

177 Seang Teck Road, Georgetown, Penang

(some language may be off-putting) In the 30s my father’s father built two houses at the edge of town. He lived in one and rented the other. By the 60s, the houses were in the middle of town and the mile-long street was a bustling hodgepodge of enterprises and homes....

The Eid and Why I Hated it

The Eid and Why I Hated it

Allaaah, hoo-akhbar Allah, hoo-akhbar Allaaah, hoo-akhbar. Laaaa illah, ha-ill- lallaah, hoo-wallah, hoo-akbar Allaah,  hoowalah walillah, ill-hamd   I grew to hate all things religion but the Eid adhan, the call to Eid prayer endured for many years. With its...
