The Rock That Swallows Mothers

The Rock That Swallows Mothers

(Illustration courtesy of When I was a kid, my mother often resorted to emotional blackmail. She had a stockpile; her all-time favorite was the story, The Rock That Swallows Mothers. Once there was a huge rock on the side of a mountain in the middle of...
Constantly by Cliff Richard or How I Learned English

Constantly by Cliff Richard or How I Learned English

​ Constantly by Cliff Richard or How I Learned English or Why I Love My Aunt and Auntie Annie or The Day My Dad Came Through for Me I grew up in Malaysia and spoke Malay, an island language related to Hawaiian. Malaysia was a British colony and became independent in...


(image courtesy of Vintage Everyday) When my mother discovered my father had another woman, her world ended and she howled and cried. A shaman was called. The shaman burned frankincense and bitter-sweet acrid smoke filled the house. She sprinkled rose petals and...
Chapter 4. Challenges and Celebrations

Chapter 4. Challenges and Celebrations

Those times were BP, Before Penicillin, and there were a number of serious childhood illnesses, which were expected for most children, like rites of passage. I only know from being told that my first severe illness, which had to have included some pain, was a kidney infection when I was just a baby. I don’t know how this was treated, but the after-effects would follow me into my teens due to my mother’s lifelong concern for my plumbing